Thursday, March 24, 2011

"I Love You"

When I was growing up, being told "I Love You" was not something that was missed around our house. We said it several times through out the day, EVERYDAY. I didnt know any other way, I thought that thats how it was supposed to be when you loved someone. I have carried this with me through my entire life. Telling my mom and dad, brothers, aunts, uncles, and anyone else that means the world to me still to this day everytime I talk to them, whether its in person or on the phone. I always say "you never know what will happen between this time and the next time that I talk to them and I want to make sure that they know I love them, and that there is never nor was ever a question that they knew it."

Ryan and I are the same way, we say we love each other an uncountable amount of times a day and yet I still feel like its never enough. The same with Layla....I know that she doesnt really understand what it means yet and she looks at me the same way everytime I tell her but I know that one day she will get it and until then I will just keep saying it hoping she understands. :) I never want her to forget how much we love her and I hope that this is something that she carries with her as she grows and starts to really understand what love is!

I feel like there are so many things that a person questions in their life and I just feel like love is not something that anyone should ever have to question. I dont want my children growing up and saying that they never heard their parents say that they loved each other or that they loved them because whether its just three little words or not, I think that they make a huge impact on a person and who they become. 

I had a hard time trying to decide what to write about today but this topic really hits home today because on this day last year, one of my very best friends died after giving birth to her little girl just 10 days before. I simply can NOT imagine not being able to tell my little girl that I love her everyday or being able to kiss her sweet little cheeks everyday. As I sit here typing this blog with Layla stretched out over my lap, or whats left of it that my big ol' pregnant belly isnt covering, slowly going down for her nap, I whisper "I love you" in her ear...JUST IN CASE.....and I know that Holly is up in heaven watching every step that Khylee takes and taking every chance she gets to whisper "I love you" in her ear, BUT it simply breaks my heart that she isnt here with us today to snuggle that beautiful little girl to sleep.

R.I.P Holly Renee Caudle, you are forever in MY heart!!!

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